Have a sustainability
or a strong
idea for one?

Bring it to life with the beVisioneers Fellowship!

beVisioneers helps bring your planet-positive ideas to life, regardless of their stage or your financial situation.

What’s in it
for you?

At the core of our offering is a 12-month intensive hybrid-learning program designed and implemented by education pioneers The DO School Fellowships gGmbH, that focuses on the implementation of your project.

Upon completing the 12-month intensive you will be welcomed into the beVisioneers Ambassador Program, with special opportunities to grow your leadership, network and impact.

Core elements of the

Fellowship program

A unique & collaborative framework

beVisioneers focuses on specific sustainability zones, for example, Food Waste or Clean Water.

We match our Fellows’ ideas and projects to these areas, giving them exactly what they need to tackle these challenges over 12 months.

Projects will be carried out in close proximity to align with broader efforts around localization. With this approach, we can amplify impact. 

Our three learning labs

The program will focus on three different learning labs over 12 months: 

Personal sustainability, focused on your individual and collective leadership, well-being and resilience.

Environmental Sustainability, focused on your knowledge and application of planet-positive concepts and practices.

Venture sustainability, focused on your entrepreneurial mindsets and skills to turn ideas into action.

Regional & global summits

You will get a chance to meet other Fellows face-to-face at our regional summits.

During these summits you will hear from industry experts.

There will also be a chance to attend a global summit, which will include pitch competitions and opportunities to win funding for your project.


hours- per-month commitment

1-to-1 project coaching


Fellows in the first year

opportunities to win project grants


world-class experts

masterclasses in entrepreneurship, leadership and environmental action

Why should you apply for this Fellowship?

No idea or project is too big or too small:

• Whether it focuses on your local community or will tackle a regional or global environmental challenge, we want to hear from you.
• If you’re at the idea stage or prototype stage and need further support, beVisioneers is for you.

Financial support during your learning journey

• We want you to be able to participate in the beVisioneers Fellowship regardless of your financial situation or resources. During the application process, you can apply for financial support based on a needs assessment.
• Don’t have wifi at your home or access to a laptop? Need financial assistance so you can invest time in the Fellowship? No problem, we can support you.

Our environmental entrepreneurship expertise & global network

• beVisioneers has been created by award winning education pioneers The DO School Fellowships, who has 10+ years experience in creating the most ambitious fellowship programs for young impact entrepreneurs.
• The DO School Fellowships has over 50,000 alumni in over 100 countries and has worked for and with organizations such as the United Nations and World Economic Forum.

Exposure & Advocacy

• We want to share your stories with the world, celebrate your projects’ successes and inspire others like you to join our mission on building a more sustainable future.
• After the 12-month program, you will become part of our community who will echo your success as it continues.
Apply here

This could be you!

Take a look at the diverse range of Fellow Projects from this year’s cohort – their creativity and passion are bound to make a planet-positive impact for us all.

See the projects

Have a question?

Explore our in-depth Q&A for the answers!

Ready to apply?

Applying for a beVisioneers Fellowship is easy. You can save your work in progress and come back to it at any time.

Step 1


You’ll receive an email from Dream ID to log in for the first time. When you are registered, sign in with your email address.

Step 2

Tell us why you want to apply

Follow the steps to complete a simple application form

Step 3

You’re done!

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